Additional things Nominet require you to know about .uk domains
We charge up to £ 1,000 per domain to register a new .uk domain name, which covers its first 1 year period, this could also be the renewal fee.
We charge up to £ 1,000 for cancellations, changes of registration or transfers;
however, you could also ask Nominet to do this for you for less.
We will email the contact of the account, 30, 15 and 1 day before your domain name is due to expire to ensure you have time to decide if you would like to keep the domain name.
Should you wish to keep the domain name, you simply need to pay our invoice by it's due date.
If you do not wish to renew please let us know in writing.
If you do not respond the domain name will not be renewed and will be suspended 30 days after the expiry date and cancelled after a further 60 day grace period